Kaplan Practice Test Answers

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You also receive on-demand or live either online or in-person classes, 4, MBE practice questions, online flashcards, and Kaplan Bar Review mobile app. Additionally, you have the chance to take simulated exams and practice with real essays that are...

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You are given 65 minutes to complete the section. The passages are presented either individually or paired with another passage. Some of the passages may contain tables, graphs, or charts - but require no math or topic-specific knowledge. The passages will always include: One passage from classic or contemporary literature from the US or worldwide One passage about a social science topic e. Constitution or a speech by a President Two passages or a passage and a passage pair that are science focused, including Earth science, chemistry, physics, or biology. The SAT Reading section attempts to measure the following: Command of Evidence - find evidence that best supports an answer; determine how authors support their claims with evidence; identify relationships between informational graphics and reading passages. Words in Context - determine how meaning, tone, and style are shaped by the author's word choice; identify the meaning of a word based on context clues in the passage. You are given 35 minutes to complete this section.

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This section presents reading passages that contain deliberate errors. You are asked to correct the errors by choosing the best possible replacement. All the questions in this section will test your ability to improve a passage's writing style. This section still requires a firm grasp of grammar rules including punctuation and common English usage. The SAT Writing and Language component assesses the following skills: Standard English Conventions - you'll revise punctuation, words, clauses, and sentences.

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You'll be tested on: comma use, parallel construction, verb tense, and subject-verb agreement. Expression of Ideas - you'll be given questions about a passage's organization and impact. You'll be asked to select which words or structural changes will improve a passage. Words in Context - you'll be asked to select the best word choice based on the context of the sentence. You are expected to choose words that will improve the tone, style or syntax of the selection. Command of Evidence - you'll be given questions that require you to improve the way a reading passage develops ideas and information.


You are expected to select changes to the passages that improve them. The No Calculator section has 20 questions with a 25 minute time limit. The calculator permitted section has 38 questions with a 55 minute time limit. There are two types of questions in the math section - traditional multiple choice and "grid in" questions which require you to determine the answer with selecting from choices. The SAT Math section focuses on the following math topics: Heart of Algebra - create, solve and interpret linear expressions in one or two variables; interpret variables and constants in linear functions within context; understand connections between graphical and algebraic representations. Problem Solving and Data Analysis - solve single and multi-step problems involving: measurements, units, unit conversions, percentages, ratios, rates, proportional relationships, and scale drawings; evaluate graphs and scatterplots; compare and contrast linear and exponential growth; summarize categorical data, retrieve frequencies, and calculate conditional probability of two-way tables; utilize statistics to analyze shape, spread, and center.

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Passport to Advanced Math - create and solve quadratic and exponential functions; create equivalent forms of algebraic expressions; add, subtract, and multiply polynomial expressions; understand relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials. Additional Topics in Math - volume formulas; Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric ratios; complex numbers; arc lengths and radian measures; congruence and similarity problems about lines, angles, and triangles; two variable equations about circles in the coordinate plane.

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SAT Essay The optional SAT essay component will require you to read a passage and write an essay that explains how the author develops a persuasive argument. You'll be expected to support your explanation with evidence from the passage. You are given 50 minutes to complete the essay. Every SAT essay prompt is nearly identical to this example: As you read the passage below, consider how [author] uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. The SAT topic is different every time, but will always have the following attributes: examine trends, debates, or ideas in political, cultural, or arts and sciences argue a point.

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D The British settlers who came to the New World did not intend to build a model democratic society. They came for the reasons stated in A , B , C , and E. Primogeniture A refers to the medieval law by which only firstborn sons are permitted to inherit the family estate. Therefore, many second sons came to the new world in search of wealth. The growth of the English population B and the failure of the woolen industry E led people, particularly debtors, to seek a new life in the New World. B The Critical Period is particularly associated with the problems involved in the establishment of a new government for the newly freed colonies. The Articles of Confederation established a loose league of friendship that created a weak central government.

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The absence of an executive and a judiciary jeopardized the existence of the United States because of the inability of Congress to enforce and interpret laws. There were many strong leaders at the time A. Although British troops retained a presence in the United States after the French-American victory at Yorktown in , these troops were not influential in the establishment of a government for the new colonies C. The French D were not a threat to American settlements at the time. Although some hostility between settlers and Native Americans did exist E , this was not particularly pronounced or critical during this period. Popular sovereignty, allowing voters to approve or reject slavery, could not resolve the slavery question if people fought instead of voting.

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About were killed before Kansas became a state in The first major act was the destruction of the antislavery town of Lawrence called the sack of Lawrence. Shadrach A was a victim of the Fugitive Slave Law who was kidnapped in Boston in by his African American friends and spirited away before the magistrate knew what happened. D Many people were concerned over the growing power of trusts, which were a form of monopoly control in business.

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Trusts seemed to wield nearly limitless power. Early in the 19th century, Southern agricultural states often opposed pro-industry legislation A , such as the protective tariff, but the cartoon is clearly not sympathetic to business. The juxtaposition of massive trusts and puny senators does not imply equal status or harmony B. The senators are not identified by party C. Few people were calling for the abolition of the U. Senate E , although some were calling for the direct election of senators by the voters to make them more responsive to the people.

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C The cowboy era ended for a number of reasons, but barbed wire played a significant part. It allowed ranchers and farmers to enclose their lands, making long cattle runs unfeasible. Barbed wire was not significant in any of the ways indicated in the other choices. Railroad companies A would not have gone out of their way to protect wild animals. Reservations B were not enclosed by barbed wire. Miners D used means other than barbed wire to protect their claims.

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Parts of the border between the United States and Mexico E have been fortified with fences that no doubt include barbed wire, but that is a 20th-century phenomenon. E Dewey wanted education to move away from rote memorization and to prepare young people to be active participants in democracy. In fact, the Students for a Democratic Society cite him as an inspiration to the call for participatory democracy in the s.

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The emphasis on science and mathematics A characterized Cold War initiatives of the s. Progressive educators wanted education to be meaningful, not simply a means of keeping children off the street B and not to focus on memorization C. Conservatives, not progressives, would want education to focus on God, country, and family D. The other answer choices were not highlighted in major American novels. A Truman justified the dropping of the atomic bombs by stating that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were industrial cities fueling the Japanese war effort. He also argued that dropping the bombs would shorten the war and save American lives. These cities both had large populations B. Many critics felt that the bomb was intended to send a message C to the Soviet Union, but Truman did not use this as a justification in public for his decision. Likewise, if Truman were interested in expanding American influence in Asia D , he would not have publicly stated this as a justification for the atomic bombing of Japan, nor would he have cited American war-weariness as a justification E.

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E The Korean War involved direct engagement between U. The Berlin Airlift A , the Cuban missile crisis B , the Soviet suppression of the Hungarian revolution C , and the construction of the Berlin Wall D all resulted in eyeball-to-eyeball standoffs that almost led to armed conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, as each had specific interests that were threatened. E The National Advisory Kerner Commission on Civil Disorders convened to discover why there was so much urban violence in the s. However, it concluded that the richest nation on earth could correct these inequalities. The commission reached liberal social and economic conclusions. Thus, it did not blame immigrants A or unions B or call for the death penalty D. Young people C certainly were participants in the riots, but social and economic factors were the primary causes, according to the report. D Indentured servants came to the New World voluntarily, agreeing, through a contract, to work a certain length of time in exchange for passage.

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Indentured servants other than prisoners were not forced to sign a contract of indenture B. Indentured servants were not promised any financial compensation, nor did they receive any A. Hamilton was not an advocate of strong state governments A , and his program had the effect of binding these new states to the success of the Union. Hamilton increased the power of the central government and established the Bank of the United States, but his economic plan did not lead to an increase in the power of the presidency itself C. B Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican and a strict constructionist in regard to constitutional issues, used the same justification for the Louisiana Purchase that Hamilton, a Federalist and loose constructionist, had used to justify the establishment of the Bank of the United States. B Zachary Taylor was the general whom James K. Polk sent to provoke war with Mexico in It was claimed by both Mexico and the United States.

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The Mexicans shot at Taylor, who was on the land they claimed. The provocation worked, and the war did not end until There was a border dispute between New Mexico and Texas, but Taylor did not negotiate that. Taylor was a general, not an admiral in the Navy, so D is not correct. E The United States would not have insisted on exclusive trading rights E because it supported free trade. This is evident in the Open Door Notes, written the same year in regard to China. All the other choices contributed to this compromise of independence. D The attack on Pearl Harbor did not result in the end of segregation in the armed forces. Segregation ended after World War II.

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The attack did result in the U. As factories stepped up production of war equipment, women entered the workforce C and the unemployment rate declined, bringing the Depression to an end E. C Under his constitutional power as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the president has the authority to order troops into combat. The U. Charter A , although the U. Charter was used as the legal basis for the American military involvement in the Korean War. No congressional resolution was passed at the onset of the Korean War B. The United States had no mutual security treaty with Korea D. C Only 35 state legislatures passed the ERA.

KAPLAN Practice Test scores : General GMAT Questions and Strategies - Page 2

To achieve passage, the amendment needed the approval of 38 state legislatures, because 38 represents the required three-fourths of the 50 states. Congress A passed the amendment by the required two-thirds majority of each house. If it had passed, it would have become part of the Constitution and could not be declared unconstitutional B. D In , Clinton signed the Brady Bill, which provided for stricter gun control and other crime prevention measures. She was appointed by Ronald Reagan, not Clinton. The Dayton Accords C were signed in to end the civil war in Bosnia.

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The other choices were clearly stated by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. Hamilton did not modify his economic program A , including his support for excise taxes E. He did support the candidacy of his archenemy Jefferson in the election of , when that election was thrown into the House of Representatives for resolution C , but this occurred almost a decade after he had implemented his financial program. Hamilton was pro-British, while Jefferson was more supportive of the French Revolution. Hamilton would not be conceding anything to Jefferson by working out a treaty with England D. E Redemption is the term Southern Democrats used to describe their return to power, with the implication that the terrible wrong of Reconstruction has finally been eradicated. The change to Democratic control signaled the end of the social programs and laws that had offered freedmen and women a degree of social equality during the Reconstruction period. The rebuilding of the South C is an aspect of reconstruction itself—although the term reconstruction is not restricted to the physical rebuilding of the South.


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